Get in touch with a member of the SMC today!
Chair: Brian O'Rourke | The Real Estate Book of Delaware
Co-Chair: Beth Haynes | Regal Builders
Dottie Fawcett | Home Marketing Solutions
Damien Golden | iKANDE Advertising
Jay Greene | Jay Greene Photography
Brett Taylor | McKee Builders
The BRAD Sales & Marketing Council (SMC) exists to connect members and provide a forum to exchange ideas, develop professional skills, provide recognition and celebrate success within the home building industry. Through educational programs and networking events, the SMC provides valuable tools for sales and marketing professionals as they strive to meet the housing needs of all Delawareans.
If you are a current BRAD member, and you are looking for a way to show your support, the Sales & Marketing Council may be for you. To learn more, contact a current SMC Member and get their feedback or join our next call-in or in-person monthly meeting by contacting Brian O'Rourke. The time commitment is only 2-4 hours a month and you’ll be able to network with BRAD members and support BRAD initiatives all in one endeavor. Your expertise and support are greatly needed. Please reach out today!